
GBFWI Implementation Committee

GBFWI Implementation Sub-Committees

Agricultural BMPs Subcommittee

This subcommittee will be working to develop a strategy for working with farmers to install best management practices on their property to help improve water quality in the watershed. There will also be demonstration projects at MU's South Farm.

Monitoring Subcommittee

As a part of this effort, we will be monitoring water quality and soil health improvements from installation of best management practices. This will include developing a monitoring schedule for nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and E. coli on the water quality side, among others, and for phospholipid fatty acids, total organic carbon, and nitrogen on the soil health side.

Outreach and Communication Subcommittee

We are focusing on all landowners in the watershed, trying to create events and possibly programs (an incentive program for installing native vegetation on residential properties, as an example) to communicate what we are trying to achieve. Stakeholder engagement is a primary focus here.

Wildlife Habitat Restoration Subcommittee

We have started working on a plan for mapping existing wildlife habitat in the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed. We hope to be able to identify areas that would benefit from wildlife habitat restoration, which simultaneously will improve water quality (more native plants, fewer invasive species, restored riparian corridor, etc.).

Water Quality Connection Subcommittee

Water quality is important to everyone who lives in or recreates in the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed. This subcommittee will explore ways to engage people with water quality and how it impacts various aspects of their lives, from the benefits of being outdoors, to the food they eat, to how water quality affects plants and animals in our shared ecosystem.

Planning Subcommittee

This subcommittee will include representatives from Boone County, the cities of Columbia and Ashland, major utilities and other interested parties. The goal is to develop a shared vision for restoration and protections of streams in the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed. This includes more consistency in regulations and being proactive rather than reactive in our vision.

Archived Committee Information

These documents clarify the roles of the various committees:

Bonne Femme Buzz

Bee eating the nectar of flowers

Get the latest highlights, actions, and events initiated by our Greater Bonne Femme Initiative partners to achieve water quality objectives on the Bonne Femme Buzz.

Heroes of Watershed

Boy looking at algae in his fishing net

The community plays an important role in protecting the Bonne Femme Watershed. Find out how some in the community have been deemed Heroes of the Watershed.

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Blue heron in flight

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