Greater Bonne Femme Watershed Initiative

We are now launching the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed Initiative (GBFWI), which takes a broad approach to restoration and protection of water quality in the GBFW. The overall goal of the GBFWI is to create a watershed management plan that will be adopted by Boone County, the City of Columbia and the City of Ashland. Working with project partners, we will integrate four conceptual pillars into the language of the plan.

Four Pillars of the GBFWI

Pillar One, Implementation of the Watershed Based Plan (WBP)

This involves voluntary installation of best management practices (BMPs), such as cover crops, by agricultural landowners in the watershed and installation of demonstration projects. BMPs will increase the amount of living vegetation on the ground to slow, spread, and infiltrate runoff. Demonstration projects will allow the public to view the best management practices in action.

Pillar Two, Creation of a Watershed-wide Wildlife Habitat Restoration Project

The County will collaborate with agency partners, including the Missouri Department of Conservation and private wildlife groups, to work with landowners in the watershed to improve wildlife habitat on their property. Wildlife habitat restoration is projected to have similar water quality benefits to installation of agricultural best management practices.

Pillar Three, Outreach and Communication

This element is more focused on residential landowners than the WBP, encouraging protection of riparian corridors and the use of more native vegetation in landscaping.

Pillar Four, Water Quality Connection

This element focuses on how water quality intersects with human health, environmental health and animal and plant health in the watershed, incorporating a variety of concepts from regenerative agriculture to increasing health benefits from recreation in the GBFW.

Framework outlining the Greater Bonne Femme Water Initiative

Project Background

The Greater Bonne Femme Watershed, Watershed Based Plan was approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency on June 12, 2023.

The full text of the plan and its appendices are provided below.

We will be seeking public input for the implementation phase of the Watershed Based Plan. Please stay tuned for updates to this website as we move forward with plan implementation.

Explore the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed

The Greater Bonne Femme Watershed encompasses an area from South Columbia to North Ashland to the Missouri River. The watershed is home to many notable features, including Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, Three Creeks Conservation Area, streams, and caves. Please watch the video below to learn more!


To inspire a community of like-minded individuals to restore, conserve and protect the resources of the Greater Bonne Femme Watershed, while having a mix of land uses and development types, and maintaining thriving agricultural activities.


In the year 2050, we envision a watershed where quality of life and economic vitality are fostered by maintaining or improving the current conditions of the water resources, having a mix of land uses and development types, and maintaining thriving agricultural activities.

Bonne Femme Buzz

Bee eating the nectar of flowers

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Heroes of Watershed

Boy looking at algae in his fishing net

The community plays an important role in protecting the Bonne Femme Watershed. Find out how some in the community have been deemed Heroes of the Watershed.

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